Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tower certification

The climbing gym Michele and I have been going to has an outside climbing tower. So today we did our tower certification to be able to climb it. We had to learn how to lead rope climb and we had to lead climb to the top. We didn't realize how tough the climb was going to be. At the top and bottom it was tilted out at an angle so the climbing was hard anyway and then to have to let go with one hand long enough to place a quickdraw, pull up slack in the rope and clip it to the carabiner, um it was hard. The we had to practice taking a fall which the guy could see I was about to fall so he had Michele pay out some line so that I would take a big fall. Michele did better than me so she had to pay out her own line then fall on purpose from the top. Anyway we did it so we can climb the tower now:-)

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