Saturday, February 13, 2010

Boy Scout Trip/Girl Scout Trip

Last weekend Jason led a group of boy scouts on a caving/rock climbing trip. Will and Lucas got to come but I was excluded not being a boy so i led my own trip for the girls. Jason went to Guffy Cave. We went there a long time ago but Jason said he had a better map and was able to explore a lot more passage. He did a couple of tight squeeze passages. On one he got almost to the end but couldn't get through the last little bit and had to back up. The only thing harder than crawling through a tight squeeze passage is backing up out of one. When you go to back up your butt goes up and you get cammed in. Sunday they went to the boulder fields in Birmingham. Jason set up a couple of top ropes and everyone climbed once but then it was too cold to do much more.
Michele, Kristen and I went to Helen, Ga and stayed in a cabin in Unicoi state park. Saturday we hiked up Mount Yonah through the snow and got to the top and it was much too cold to climb. I tried. I set 4 quickdraws and couldn't go any farther but luckily I was able to down climb and save all our gear. Sunday we went to Atlant Rocks and did some indoor climbing. Much better.