Saturday, May 9, 2009

Moab Day 4

Today we were supposed to climb Ancient Art. First we were supposed to meet at 7am but since it rained yesterday they pushed it back to 10 to give the rock time to dry cause it is covered in mid and really needs to be dry. We got up at 5am as we have been doing every morning for some reason and it was raining again. We went to the lodge and watched the sun rise, went for a little hike along the river then went into town for breakfast. I waited till 8 to call Carl because I didn't want to wake him but it turns out they had been trying to get a hold of us. They wanted to put the climb off till 1:00 which was fine with us but we expected to be entertained till then so we went to the shop and I asked if I could do some more kayaking while Michele hiked some more in Arches. They were like ok time to change gears. Landon had to undo his climbing gear from canyoneering the day before, reset for a multipitch ascent, load up kayaking gear, load his motorcycle and trailer up so he could run the shuttle for us and do this all while we were sitting there waiting on him. So it all worked out perfectly. Landon and I ran the same stretch of river and ended at the Hotel again while Michele hiked to Delicate Arch which she had wanted to do. Then we ate lunch at the hotel and went straight to Ancient Art which is down the street from the hotel. I don't have an kayaking pictures but here are some pics of delicate arch

So Ancient Art is the reason for this trip. Michele found this really cool climb and we planned a whole trip around it. Ancient Art is the formation in the pictures with the corkscrew summit on it. The cool thing about it is that it is a tower sitting on the edge of a cliff. So we climbed 200 feet but when you look down over the edge of the cliff you are looking down 1200 feet.

Here are some pics of us climbing. We didn't make it to the top of the corkscrew. Landon said it was their policy not to guide people up there for safety reasons and we pretty much agreed with him but we still made it to one of the summits and it was an awesome feeling.

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