On Saturday night James signed us up to go to Berry-Hill. Saturday morning we got up a little earlier and met up with a group going to the cave. When we got there we got suited up a hiked a little ways to the entrance. Just inside the entrance the ground slopes shaply down to a 70 foot pit. At the bottom of the pit is a 30 foot tall cone of dirt and stuff that has fallen in the pit including some animals that wandered in and slid down the slope. We saw bones of a donkey or something and apparently there was a dog that was pretty fresh and still had his collar on and stuff but I didn't see it. Anyway if you stayed to the side you could crawl along a ledge and stay off the slope and repel into the pit from a 90 foot ledge. So we all repeled down and went down the debris cone into a large room, up some large breakdown and then down a 15 foot drop with a hand line. Next we follwed the stream back to crawl that opened up to a sump then came back and ascended up our rope.
Jason getting on rope
Ryan on rope
Ryan and Aimee working hard to keep their feet dryComing down the handline
Jason getting on rope
Ryan on rope
Ryan and Aimee working hard to keep their feet dryComing down the handline
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